Monitors effects of therapeutic interventions & disease progression
Minimizes huge health care associated cost following
fall-related injuries
Gait score as a clinical indicator for monitoring therapeutic efficiency
Comprehensive evaluation of gate metrics (step length, stride length, velocity, ..etc_)
Instant report generation
Easy to wear & easy to operate
Keeps track of progression of Gait Metrics
Quick to conduct a Gait test
Geriatric patients with
weak / impaired gait
Patients under Rehabilitation after Neuro Muscular disorders
Post-operative patients of Spine, Hip, Knee and other orthopedic conditions
Patients suffering from Diabetic Neuropathy / Foot Ulcers etc.
Patients suffering from Parkinson, Stroke, Dementia, and other Neurological disorders
Patients under Rehabilitation after Neuro Muscular disorders
Physically challenged and special children with gait impairments
For technical queries
Dr L S Jayashree
Principal Investigator & Coordinator - PSG CARES
Professor, Dept of CSE
PSG College of Technology
For free demo call
+91 94457 88720
Mr P Suresh Kumar
19, Lakeview Square, Nanajappa Nagar, Singanallur, Coimbatore - 641005